雄东片区控详规解读重要参照物:京港台高铁(京雄段+雄商段),涞河河谷及马庄干渠,大清河规划范围用地18平方公里,规划人口约18万人,人口密度约1万人/km2。京港台高铁在雄县县城附近,由北向南依次经过雄安站 → 跨过新盖房分洪道 → 安各庄村 → 大阴村,王家房村,十里铺村一带,继续向南。马庄干渠是未来容东片区的主干水系,必然要改扩建,并规划多条人工水系连通南部大清河,北侧涞河及雄县县城(第三章第三节,城市水系)。也意味着雄县县城要新修水系。背景信息雄安站雄安站位于昝岗镇关李马浒村,京雄城...…
Hello World - Vno
What’s thisVno Jekyll is a theme for Jekyll. It is a port of my Ghost theme vno, which is originally developed from Dale Anthony’s Uno.Usage$ git clone https://github.com/onevcat/vno-jekyll.git your_site$ cd your_site$ bundler install$ bundler exe...…
Sample Post
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-r...…